COVID19 and social inequality

The picture of this entry is the Triumph of the Death, a fresco from palazzo Abatellis in Palermo. It shows the Death riding an horse and firing an arrow. On the lower part of the fresco, there are the bodies of the previously killed: emperors, popes, bishops, poets, knights and maidens. On the left side there is group of poor people who are still live (although probably not for long).

The fresco conveys the idea of pandemics acting as a leveler. If that has been true for the black Death in 14th and 15th century, in the case of the COVID19 the situation is, however, very different.

In a recent short article I present some evidence that the risk of falling seriously ill and dying from COVID19 is higher among individuals with lower incomes and lower levels of education. Most importantly, I argue that COVID19 mortality risk can be conceived as the result of the product of three different risks: the risk of infection, the risk of developing a severe disease from coronavirus and the risk of dying/recovering if severely ill with COVID-19. I then discuss how low educational and economic status might be related to each of these risks

The short article is here:

And a shorter (and less developed) version in Spanish: